Saturday, December 12, 2015

Traditions Day

Mom was starting to get antsy about going to see Santa. We didn't get to Post Road English Garden last year so we were happy to hear that we could make it this year. They decorate a row of houses in different Christmas themes.

You have to walk through and find different things.

Okay, we were kind of like bulls in a china shop.

In the last house, we found the big guy! B wouldn't go anywhere near him at first. Finally, we got him to stand sort of in the general vicinity. As long as I provided a safe buffer.

In the last house, we made ornaments and a swag for Mom.

Then we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores with Dad.

Then the old man took us downtown to drop our letters off in the big mailbox.

We didn't ask for much, but man... we weren't all that good either. Here's hoping Santa wasn't paying much attention this year!

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