Saturday, December 5, 2015

Ferocious 5

After a hectic morning, we continued celebrating Bryce with a party at That Fun Place. It was the ideal day because we got to shoot, play video games, jump and eat cake with 18 of B's best buddies.

If this isn't a ferocious trio, I don't know what is...
We owned that place. We were very busy!

Not too busy to take a quick cupcake break and make sure the man of the hour knew how much we love him.

Can you believe he's 5?!

Not only did a whole lotta kids show up, the Moms and Dads took time out of their busy Christmas season weekends to come too! Some were happier about the mayhem than others :)

Favorites all around!

Aiden's Mom really knows how to party!

We went with a pirate theme this year, but I insisted on having Tyler cupcakes. Gluten Free, of course!

Dylan and Connor came.

Nicholas was there.

Connor cracks the Momparrazzi up!

Will really loves all of the arcade games.

Alex and Jackson had a blast.

So did Isaac.

and B of course.

Hey!  Daddy!!  Those games are for the kids!

Hunter made the trip.

All the big brothers came too. It was pretty hard to get them out of the laser tag room.

Mom and Dad were thrilled to see everyone having a great time - outside of our house.

Connor and Henry are good buds.

Henry is getting so big too!

Thank you so much Chaille, Cooper, Edwards, Meek, Smith, Court-Owens, Getter, Nelson and Stanley families for taking the time to celebrate our favorite 5 year old.

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