Tuesday, December 29, 2015


We thought we were just heading home, but Dad soon stopped at this really cool place.

It was Thomas Jefferson's home! They call it Monticello.

We got to learn all about his inventions. From farming methods, to the architecture in the house, to the Declaration of Independence. The guy was amazing!

Dad made sure that we understood about him dying in great amounts of debt that his kids inherited. I didn't think that sounded good at all. Luckily, a Jewish family who was grateful for Jefferson's views on religious freedom, purchased Monticello and preserved it for us. Thanks Levy family!

Jefferson's slaves made and sold nails.

We got to see their tools.

Wow!  It must've been hard work.

Here's a nice view of the garden and the VA landscape from atop the hill where Monticello sits.

An old fireplace.

A cool windy road going up the mountain.

Jefferson's observatory.

and Daddy's favorite part of Monticello - this crazy old tree.

B brought along his trusty dusty binoculars.

We did get to go inside on a tour, but no photos. I thought the Momparazzi would pitch a fit!

Instead she just took a lot of pictures outside.

It's such a beautiful home.

We got to see the University of Virginia, which Jefferson also founded.

Hey B!  Let me see!

and this guy came to check us out.

Mom thought the underground passage was the coolest part of Monticello.

There were wine and beer rooms.

and he had a dumbwaiter installed to get food and drinks upstairs in a snap.

We weren't sure what this was, but it was fun to play with.

Last stop was Jefferson's grave. B announced to everyone that "He died two minutes ago." Um...

Thank you Thomas Jefferson for making such a big difference in our lives some 200+ years later.

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