Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pumpkin Wranglers

October means it's time for our annual Pumpkin Round Up.  This year, we were short a couple of cow hands and I was pretty upset about it.  I talked about and looked for Sydney and KK the whole way there and the frist 20 minutes at the Pumpkin ranch.  It was very hard to imagine the annual trip without them, but we are good cowboys and the round up must go on.  Here I am prepping the wagon.

It's a dirty, hard job, but somebody's gotta get out there and tame those wild pumpkins.

I must've put 15 of those wild critters in the wagon.  Somehow they kept getting out.  I have my suspicions about a couple of pumpkins rights protesters who were lurking about setting them free, but we wound up with a great haul anyway.  Here's Daddy's, Mommy's, Cole's, Bryce's and Ghosty's pumpkins. 
Nice work padnah!

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