Sunday, October 16, 2011


Some things take a while to learn, like how to drive and how to make a decent meatloaf; other things you just figure out.
One thing I already know is that my brother and I are A-D-O-R-E-D by some pretty special people. 
We adore them too!  Here we are up before the sun making some pictures for our Saturday morning guests.

My first piece of art, which Cole decided was "Smoke."

Okay so I ate most of the orange crayon and had to be removed from the scene prematurely...
It was still a labor of love.

Love for Bugga and Grandma who adore us so much they drove 3 hours at the crack of dawn on a Saturday just to come cheer Cole on at Soccer.

The Blue Angels didn't disappoint.  Our two stars spent most of the game crying on the sidelines so we were a little short, but they still delivered an action packed game.

I'm not embarassed to say that I'm their #1 cheerleader. 
Go Cole!

What a great time we had cheering on our favorite little superstar. 
Thank you for adoring us, Grandma and Bugga.
The feeling is mutual!

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