Monday, October 31, 2011

Bootiful Boys

Things have been getting slightly weird around here lately.  My big brother has "brave powers" so he LOVES all things spooky, but I've not been so sure...  Today, I woke up to a whole bag full of spooky "treats."

Of course, my big bro was wired from minute one today. 

He tried to tell me what to expect, but seriously... costumes and candy and treats just because?  No way..

Okay, the costume part proved to be true.  Mom wrestled me into my bat costume about 30 seconds after my morning nap.  Goodness gracious!

I might have been a little more co-operative if I'd understood her when she explained that we were going to hang out at pre-school!

What a blast!  I didn't get to stay long, but I definitely got into the maximum amount of trouble while I was there.

There really was no stopping me.  The kids all loved me and the Moms and Dads let me get away with murder too.

I kinda like pre-school.  Too bad Mom says babies are NOT allowed.  I can't wait to be big enough to go to Mrs. Stricker's class all the time like Cole.

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