Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Take Us Out to the Ball Game!

I must be the luckiest kid alive.  After playing with my 'hood buddies all weekend, Mom surprised me with a Mom and Cole outing on Monday night.  We went to the baseball game with my best friend and his family!  Here Vann and I are discussing our foul ball snagging strategies.

Stella put on a variety show of gymnastics and ballet moves.  We were all very impressed by our favorite little princess.

You'd be hard pressed to find two happier, sweatier best friends in the park that night.

The 3 Amigos.  Bryce stayed home with Daddy because it was as hot as an oven and we were also out pretty late.  Mom decided I needed to get out more because I thought downtown was New York City and was looking all over for my buddy Spiderman.
Oh and it was Papa Opperman's birthday this week!  We made sure he knew how important he was by letting him pretend to be a statue for us to climb on and also letting him give us each umpteen airplane rides in the sweltering heat.  It's important to include Daddies from time to time so they don't feel left out.

After the game, Vann's Daddy helped us each play an arcade game.  Vann and I did not win, but Stella did!  She got a little pink bear that we were insanely jealous of.

We both won this pitching game instead!  I like to finish each pitch with a superhero move just in case there are any villains in the stands.

I bet you can guess how much we loved our prizes!  Who needs a pink bear when you can have enormous battering rams to fight each other and any innocent bystanders with?!

Stella wound up with a bat as well.  What a great night we had.

You may think all of this is enough to earn me the "Luckiest Best Friend" award, but nope.  After the game, I was invited to an all night afterparty at Vann and Stella's house!  We slept in the living room in sleeping bags, then headed out to the water park first thing in the morning.  Now there's no argument whatsoever is there?  I have the best friends and they have the BEST parents ever.  Thanks for an awesome summer evening Oppermans!

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