Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

On Monday we drove all the way up to Noblesville for Bryce's first 4th of July Festival.  Jared and Chase were there with their Mom and Dad.

There was an awesome band.  I may have busted a move or two.

Mom took full advantage of the other photog Mommies in attendance.  Here's a rare shot of Mom and her boys.
Bryce took full advantage of our #1 Mom crush who was also in attendance.

These two had an absolute blast smiling and laughing at each other.  My little bro even showed off his dance moves.  Nice work bud!

As usual, all of us big kids were sure to spend lots of time being very nice to Bryce.  He's one of the gang and we all like him a whole bunch.
Mom hogging the limelight again...

Bryce looking smooth in Mom's aviators!

Not everyone can look this cool while sucking their thumb.  This kid has style.

Vann and I had a great time horsing around even though he's in a big ol' boot.

We all put a LOT of glow necklaces and bracelets on as soon as it got dark.  Um, a couple of us may have used them as superhero weapons...

Mom.  Seriously... 

Back at it.  I was Spiderman and Vann was Green Lantern. 

Rowdies.  That's all there is to say.

I snuggled up with Mom as soon as the fireworks started. 

And Bryce snuggled up with Dad.  That kid stayed up (and happy) until midnight!
Hope you had a Happy 4th of July with your friends and loved ones too!

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