Monday, July 11, 2011

Vital Signs

I've been a really crabby little man these past few days.  My skin also has more and more patches of red swollen excema on it.  All signs point to lingering food allergies :(  So, Mom is cutting out the little bit of dairy I was having and we'll try again in a few months.  I went to see my doc today and she had a surprise baby in her tummy!  We still adore each other, and I was having such a great time flirting with her that I hardly cried at all when I got my shots.  I'm still pretty high on life after finding out that I'm still in the 69th percentile for height (27.25 inches), the 89th percentile for my big ol' head, and only the 55th percentile for weight (18.25lbs.).  Mom says big noggins run in her family and it's only that big because it has to hold all my brain matter.  I think Moms have to say weird stuff like that.  I do want to point out that I'll likely never be bigger than my brother because of our age difference, BUT I am taller (by .25") and heavier (by 2lbs) than he was at 6 months. :)  Dad says it all evens out in the end, but little brothers have to take wins where they can get em!

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