Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To Grandmother's House We Go!

We were pretty tired after our day at the Children's Museum, so Mom decided to toss us in the car and head up to Grandmas!  We had a really great day with them on Saturday.  Bryce and Bugga had a lot of hugs and chats.  Bryce showed off his walking skills too.

Grandma took me to the park.  We both liked this big swing.

B loves our Ota.

I do too!

How could we not?!

We made sure to leave our mark on every nook and cranny at Grandma's house.  Here's B giving her a little something to remember us by on her glass window.

B's walking skills.

That kid was all smiles all weekend.  Here he is showing off his TWO teeth.
Thanks for a nice visit Bugga and Grandma!

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