Thursday, September 1, 2011

Let the Games Begin

While Mom is away at the Olympic Village learning from atheletes and their coaches this week, B and I are home practicing the newest event in the Vandyville games - Baby Catching!  I am pretty good at it.  Basically, you just get in position when B is cruising on the furniture and swoop him up when he forgets to hold on!

I'm still working on my follow through though.  Coach tells me just tossing the baby aside once he is caught disqualifies me from the event.  It should also be noted that pushing the baby down in an attempt to move the game along is another disqualifier.  The Canadian judge will nail you everytime for that one.
I'll have it down by the time Mom gets home.  I sure do get plenty of practice thanks to B's determination to stand up and move about.

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