Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Apple Orchard - Year Two

Can you believe it's already Apple Orchard Season again?  Last week, Mom and I headed out for our annual pre-school field trip.  There were only a few boys in attendance so this guy was my official best friend for the day.

It was freezing cold outside, but Mom and I soldiered on!

I knew ALL the words and the actions to the song.

If you're gonna go out in nature, you may as well look handsome doing it!

I got a whole bushel... or is this a peck?  Even though I've been telling Mom I learned about apples everyday when I come home from school for the last year, neither one of us has any idea what this haul is called.

And of course, I never miss an opportunity to schmooze the teacher! 
Thanks for taking us Mrs. Izbicki and Mrs. Stricker!

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