Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Week 6 of Our Lucrative Wrestling Careers

Uncle Kyle came by this evening for a big event! He found time to teach Coley how to play Sudoku before we left.

Last day of SHELmeans it's time for our inter-squad wrestle off! Here I am warming up with Emmit.

Uh... Mom? That's a giant butt picture.

I may have put my singlet on backwards. I may have not cared enough to wriggle out and back in again.

Coley was focused and on point.
My turn came early.

I am not exactly as into this wrestling thing as Coley is, but if I decide I want to win, I will. Most of the time, I don't care though.
I gave this one a decent go because I had 4 gorgeous girls there cheering for me. Courtnee, Chloe, Sydney and KK all came out! Plus Mr and Mrs. Siler, Kent, Julie and uncle Kyle. We sure are well loved!
oh... and of course Coley pinned his guy with ease.

Coach made him wait until the bitter end and we didn't even get a decent show!
My buddy Cohen is a great wrestler.

and Emmit is great too. We had a lot of fun this season, but I'm glad it's over. 6 weeks is enough experience for me!

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