Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkeys Earning Their Turkey

Today's the big day! Up to Grandma's house we go for Thanksgiving. This year Rowan got to come along and stay at Uncle Justin's house. He was a champ in the car. A little weird to have him breathing over my shoulder watching Jurassic Park, but whatevs. We were just happy to have our fur brother along for a change.

All the grown ups are always complaining about we grandkids growing up too fast. Not a peep outta them when we all went out to rake Grandma and Bugga's leaves though. In a flash of brilliance, Uncle Scott brought out the blower. This of course kept us out for a LOT longer.
Rowan ran away right as we were leaving him at Uncle Justins. He had about 8 grown ups and two random kids chasing him all around Uncle Justin's 'hood. He was having the time of his life! Meanwhile Coley was devastated. He was so upset, he was crying and Coley never cries! When we finally got him back, he was so happy he gave Mom a gigantic hug. I told her "if Rowan was a little white dog with black spots, I would cry too Mom. I really like little white dogs with black spots." Guess which parent I got my empathy from? Anyway, he had an awesome time running around with Uncle Justin's dogs and even got to sleep in bed with him!

And Auntie Sam spoiled him rotten with treats and hugs and snuggles and kisses. It was a miracle that he came home with us! Thanks for taking such great care of our bro!

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