Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fall Break With 'Hood Rats

Week two of Fall Break has been much better because the 'hood rats are still here! Today Mom set us to work making this year's Gingerbread House.

We were pretty stoked about it in the store, but as usual, we were more interested in throwing pieces and driving Mom bonkers when it came down to actual arts and craft time.

Thank Goodness for Chloe! She stayed and finished the house while we lost our minds goofing around.

and then Liam and Leif showed up and things got N U T T Y!

As they always do when we're all together.

We played a couple rounds of headbands, a game of slap it and some tag with Rowan.

It's boy heaven when you can get together, act silly and make fun of each other.

Week two was a blast! Thanks guys.

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