Saturday, November 5, 2016

Emmit Abernatheeeee

It's no secret that my little brother is very selective about his friends. Okay... he just isn't really a "People Person." He does like this guy though. Emmit Abernathy is new to town and has an awesome family.

They're both wild and crazy but Emmit is more of a "go with the flow" kind of guy, which is essential for anyone who spends any amount of time with B.

Mom took them to the library and Emmit Abernatheeeee (this is how B insists we say it) marched up to the gal at the desk in the children's section and said "I'm into hunting and fishing. Um... where are your books on that stuff?" Unfortunately, they have no instructional manuals for gutting a deer in the children's section and he was sorely disappointed when she handed him these lame books.

No matter, we still had a blast. Can't wait for the next time bud!

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