Sunday, November 27, 2016

Domesticated Man Beasts

Look what Tyler brought last night! Another tree from Uncle Noodle's cabin. This year, Uncle Noodle shot at him. We had to make a quick call to scold him for that. Mom was beyond tired so we men stepped up to do the tree.

Okay, I may have spent my time making out with Rowan instead of trimming the tree...

I tried to pass off my laziness by saying I was keeping him away, but Mom wasn't buying it. Rowan has finally settled into a pretty well behaved pup!

Token Christmas themed photo for the Momparazzi.

and ONE pose to show that I did help. After this, I promptly disappeared and left the rest to Dad. Thank goodness he's been domesticated, because we Noped our way right outta that mess!

Week 8 of Coley's Lucrative Wrestling Career

Coach kept asking Coley to join the dual team. He's pretty good, that brother of mine. He loves basketball too though so it was a tough decision. In the end he chose both. Off to the duals!

He's doing SO well. After about two month's experience, he is wracking up the wins in the 65 pound JV spot.

The team is doing very well too. We're all enjoying watching Coley be awesome.
Way to go big bro!

Basket Weaving

Okay so in the 4th grade you have to do a lot of lame stuff. We were all assigned an Indian tribe to research and report back on - not lame. Then we had to pick a particular aspect to really hone in on - not lame. The choices were food, music, clothing, art and weapons - lame, lame, really lame, lame and awesome! I raised my hand and waived it around like a maniac when Mrs. Polster called for volunteers to cover weapons, but of course every other male in my class did too. So I got stuck with art. L A M E!

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Mom ordered a basket weaving kit for me! What?!

Basket weaving is no joke. It's ridiculously hard.

Mom kept telling me I'd make a terrible Indian woman. She was so right. Thank goodness she would make a much better Indian woman and she is always willing to help me out.

The finished product is not at all functional. It just topples right over.

and this took us an entire Saturday. Literally... we would be kicked right out of the Deleware tribe.

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Family That Poses Together

Grandma and Bugga are always telling us they don't need anything and Mom says it's getting harder and harder to find gifts for them. This year, we thought "What do they love most of all?"
Us of course! So Mom pulled together a photo shoot for the whole family.

Even the illusive and mysterious Uncle Danny was there!

We had to take a LOT of pictures. If you think the Momparazzi is demanding, you've obviously never met Josef from Derby Photography!

It was all worth it to see these two smile.

We all tried our very best to appear angelic and happy. It comes easier to some of us than others.

No small feat. Even the wardrobe was a challenge, but in the end everything turned out perfectly.

We sure do love our Grandparents.

And they sure did make a fantastic family.

Of which, our little offshoot is our favorite :) 
Merry Christmas Bugga and Grandma and YOU'RE WELCOME MOM! Geesh.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkeys Earning Their Turkey

Today's the big day! Up to Grandma's house we go for Thanksgiving. This year Rowan got to come along and stay at Uncle Justin's house. He was a champ in the car. A little weird to have him breathing over my shoulder watching Jurassic Park, but whatevs. We were just happy to have our fur brother along for a change.

All the grown ups are always complaining about we grandkids growing up too fast. Not a peep outta them when we all went out to rake Grandma and Bugga's leaves though. In a flash of brilliance, Uncle Scott brought out the blower. This of course kept us out for a LOT longer.
Rowan ran away right as we were leaving him at Uncle Justins. He had about 8 grown ups and two random kids chasing him all around Uncle Justin's 'hood. He was having the time of his life! Meanwhile Coley was devastated. He was so upset, he was crying and Coley never cries! When we finally got him back, he was so happy he gave Mom a gigantic hug. I told her "if Rowan was a little white dog with black spots, I would cry too Mom. I really like little white dogs with black spots." Guess which parent I got my empathy from? Anyway, he had an awesome time running around with Uncle Justin's dogs and even got to sleep in bed with him!

And Auntie Sam spoiled him rotten with treats and hugs and snuggles and kisses. It was a miracle that he came home with us! Thanks for taking such great care of our bro!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Fall Break With 'Hood Rats

Week two of Fall Break has been much better because the 'hood rats are still here! Today Mom set us to work making this year's Gingerbread House.

We were pretty stoked about it in the store, but as usual, we were more interested in throwing pieces and driving Mom bonkers when it came down to actual arts and craft time.

Thank Goodness for Chloe! She stayed and finished the house while we lost our minds goofing around.

and then Liam and Leif showed up and things got N U T T Y!

As they always do when we're all together.

We played a couple rounds of headbands, a game of slap it and some tag with Rowan.

It's boy heaven when you can get together, act silly and make fun of each other.

Week two was a blast! Thanks guys.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Thanksgiving Program

I thought these little shows were done when I busted out of pre-school. Nope. We have to put on weird hats and sing songs on stage in Kindergarten too! At least Mom was there to document my misery.

When you love your Ma, you don't care what else is going on around you.

Seriously... I love my Ma!

Okay so we all did lame moves and sang cute songs and blah blah blah.

Can we be done with these now?!

At the end, the parents got to see a slide show of pictures of things we're grateful for. As a kid with celiac disease, I take my food very seriously!


Not enough has been said about this important guy. He's been my best bud at Sugar Creek Elementary since about day 2 of last year. We are inseparable and our Moms are friends too. Rowan loves him and he loves Row Row. He's a pretty awesome guy. Here he is staying the night at my pad.
and today is his birthday so Charlie and I got to stay the night at his pad. Happy Birthday to a really great friend.

Sleep is for Lame Guys

I got to spend the night at Aiden's house tonight!

Mr. Nelson made us an epic fort.

and we slept like kings on this awesome blow up mattress. Okay we didn't really sleep because that is no fun at all. I sure do love my buddy and his family. Thanks for having me over bud!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Date Day

Mom took the red eye home from NYC last night so she could take me in to meet my new doctor at Riley. His name is Dr. VanDerpool and just as Dr. Gupta said, he was amazing! He said I'm not sick from celiac, I'm just having a hard time with fructose. So now we have a game plan and Mom and I were off for a date day.

The people all around us at Napolese were very impressed by Mom's handsome date. I sure do love my Mama and I think she may like me just a bit too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Little Picassos

Coley and I are really into art lately. Here's a picture I drew for the bus driver. Maybe Santa will bring us art supplies this year!