Saturday, July 30, 2016

Party On!

For the last two years, Mom has been telling me that I'm not getting any more big bday parties. "Only a few friends for a quiet night," she says  Once again, that did not happen. Brownie offered her pool and the whole neighborhood along with my old friends and new friends ALL showed up to celebrate!

New Friend - Charlie

'hood rats - Samuel (orange goggles), Liam (white goggles) and Lief (yellow goggles). That's Gavin in the blue.

Oh, did I tell you I mastered the forward roll I've been working on?

Gavin has mastered relaxing on the Tortuga.

Charlie does a heckuva roll too.

As does Samuel!

and Lief... good lord!

There's some old friends, Seth and Jeremiah.

Half of these boys had no idea what each other's names were, but they didn't care! My friends came to PARTY!

There was a lot of horseplay.

plenty of shenanigans! There's Levi doing something crazy with a cup.

Aligator wrestling, turtle wrestling and the best of all....

Wet WWE in the baby bounce house!

We had so much fun in here!

Mom let us go nuts in it since it was a $40 garage sale purchase that she assumed we'd long outgrown. Wrong Mom!

How many kids can you fit in here?
It was actually much quieter in the pool!

Where we were...  Um...  I have no idea.

Oh, this is a great idea! Let's play Chicken!

Except everybody but Lief weighs too much (including my brick house little brother). Instead we dog piled.

and went back to fighting over floatation devices.

The Tortuga suffered a long slow death today. He was actually our second Tortuga. RIP Tortuga II. You served us well.

Sometimes I suspect Mom and Dad throw parties for B and I just so our friend's cool parents come too. Here the dads are talking about guns and planning shooting range play dates.

Moms talk about their kids. It's what they do.

We spent 4 long hard hours in this pool. Thank you SO much Brownie for being the most generous neighbor we've ever had. What a great time!

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