Friday, July 22, 2016

Camp is a Horrible Idea

In February when Mom is organizing the dates and signing Coley up for camp, it all seems like a fantastic idea. Not so much when the day actually comes to send him away into the wilderness for a whole week!!

This year we got Zeke to come along!

and Gavin too! They were right back in Cherokee with Chip! There's Jeremiah. Levi, Seth and Elijah were back too. They had almost an entire cabin just for their gang. Nobody really blinked an eye when the parents left.

and then....... 
for an entire
       not a peep from Coley!!

Mom was not happy. He was under strict orders to email her everyday. Just two words was all she asked for. Just "still alive." She didn't even get that.
When Friday rolled around, we weren't sure she would actually go to get him!

but we did and we found him and he was FILTHY.

They were all filthy!

Happy, filthy little zombie boys.

There were a few hap hazard attempts at songs.

it was a really big group!

but these kids were T I R E D.

except Seth. He was fired up!

They all said their favorite part of camp was emailing their Moms.

JUST KIDDING! None of them emailed!

They liked the zip line.

There's Chip. Camp counselors are sure strange. Coley will make an excellent counselor one day.

How could Mom not forgive this face and take him home?

A few last minute photos. Wait... what?!

How is this even possible?!

Good buddies since they were itty bitty and hopefully until they're full grown.

I hope I find friends this good when I'm bigger.
On the way home we stopped for a good meal. Coley was struggling.

I mean really struggling!

and then we lost him. So Mom says camp is a horrible idea, but Coley definitely doesn't agree. We'll see if she forgets all of this again by the time registration rolls around again in Feb.

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