Saturday, October 24, 2015

Whose Party Is It?!

Mom and Dad told us we were having a Halloween party. They made kid snacks and everything.

Fullbright came early so we could get some time in with him.

B especially adores this kid.

As the night wore on, more and more grown ups came?!  Like this guy they called "Uncle Roger" who wouldn't put up with any back talk from B.

Row Row was a perfect angel all night.

The usual suspects were soon gathered around the bar.

It looked like they were up to no good.  Okay Uncle Louie always looks like he's up to no good.

Our awesome neighbors came... um... without the kids?!  Wait a minute...

We did get to have the run of the house, but I have a strong suspicion that this party was not really for us kids.

We still had a great time even though Evan took a pool ball to the eye.

Of course Gavin and Addie were there!

Everyone had an outstanding time.

New friendships were made

Crazy stuff was said!

Funny stuff too.

It's pretty cool when the Moms and Dads get along as well as the kids do.

You know... I think the Moms and Dads might have had MORE fun than us!

We'll get you next time, grown ups!  It's a kid's world. Don't you forget that.

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