Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Museum Chaos

Today's Fall Break adventure required some very chill, well matched friends. There was no way we would've made it through without the Nelsons! Evan gave us all the great idea of trying to get as much of our bodies into the lockers as possible.

No sweat when you're skinny!

We tricked Aiden and Evan's Mom when she came back from the potty! Okay Mom's never find it funny when you pretend to be lost. How could we forget that??

The first order of business was a trip through the Haunted House.

Aiden's Mom was still a little shaken from the missing children trick.  Whew!

The Haunted House was awesome! It was all about pirates!

We got stamps at every station.

Evan almost lost his head.

It's totally not scary when your best bud is with you.

After the Haunted house, we had to ditch the big kids.  Aiden's Mom took them to see the Dinosaur exhibit, while Mommy took Aiden and I to see the Ninja Turtle exhibit.

We were in HEAVEN!

Lately there have been more "are they twins?" and "Aiden!  I mean Brycey!" incidents. We do look and act like brothers.

Double Trouble.

We fight almost as much as we play together.  Just like real bros.

We are best buds deep down though.

Coley found a baby panda to feed. That is, until Evan came through and killed it.

Then Mommy took the big boy down to the treasure hunting exhibit, which is Coley's all time favorite.

They did a lot of building and measuring and reading.  Lame!

These to would make excellent archeologists.

Thankfully Aiden's Mommy took us to the playscape where we could move!

At the last stop, we spent a LONG time moving rocks from one spot to another.  Like a REALLY long time.

We built some boats.

and we played in the water.  Pretty much everyone got hangry so we had to split before Mom yelled at any more children who were not her own.

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