Saturday, October 10, 2015

There Were Pumpkins??

Today was the day for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Unlike years past, we were not all that impressed with the rain barrel train.

Also too cool for the monster truck.

NEVER too cool to climb giant bales of unstable stacked hay with plenty of spots to hide and have the whole thing collapse on us!

Cole decided to make it into a slide.

He made it down a few times just fine. Then another kid tried and went f l y i n g and we were all cut off.

No problem!  Plenty more to do. We always love the giant trampoline.

Every kid needs one of these in their backyard.

We could've stayed on it all day.

But we started to fight, caused a big problem and had to be removed. Sigh..

Off to take on the deadly log!

One of us got the snot knocked out of him quite a bit. One of us seems to aways be getting the snot knocked out of him...

We stood in line for ages to drive these cars. It was incredibly anticlimactic.

I found my "jack" and took him for a spin.

While Coley and Dad panned for precious gems.

A little bit of apple cider slushie.

and a quick photo to satisfy the Momparazzi before we got dragged off to get pumpkins before the place closed.
It's never dull at Lark Ranch!

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