Friday, October 31, 2014

T-t-t-trick or T-t-t-reat

Halloween was f-f-f-reezing again this year. We went out trick or treating at 5 on the nose.

Hunter and Addison came too although they were a little shy about taking a group shot. Tania and B made it through about 18 houses and called it quits once the rain and sleet turned into full blown snow. Mom and I slugged it out for the whole 34 houses. Boy were we cold when we got home! It was worth it though. We got a great haul since we were one of only 3 groups of kids who came through :)

Halloween Treats

We got the BEST Halloween treat this year! Tania came!

She made us eyeballs. Perfect!

They looked gross.

But tasted great!

Then today after daycare, Fred and Velma showed up with Scooby Snacks for everyone!

Wonder what Daphne will think about all of this?!

Of course Tania was the perfect little Velma :)

What a great sport she is.

We couldn't wait to get dressed up. Tania spent about 10 minutes with me in the dark just looking at my glow bracelets and necklaces.

Coley was the perfect Robin Hood with his real bow.

Of course, I was Sir Brycey.

Don't worry Velma, Coley will "bretect" you.

We sure do love our Velma. Thank you so much for coming to see us T!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Good Little Canuck

Ever since our trip to the Great White North, we've had a new favorite cereal!
Shreddies are good, eh!?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Our Dentist is the BEST!

We weren't all that excited about being dragged to the dentist on our day off, but our new dentist was AWESOME! The ladies painted our faces after cleaning our teeth. Now we ask if we can go back every day.
Thanks Dr. Lee!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Days Off!

We got off early for Parent Teacher conference, then had another two whole days off so we decided we could all use a "Zeke Fix." We were a little OVERDUE though and acted like complete maniacs. Mom kicked us outside to preserve her sanity and our household goods.

It was cold out there! B came in rosy cheeked.

Zeke and I would not allow photos.

Try as she might. We were too fast.

She played dirty to get this one. Tickling is not allowed Mom!

B decided to capitalize on the opportunity to show Mom what an angel he is. Just because you look the part doesn't mean you act it lil bro.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Men At Work (again!)

About a month ago Daddy spilled a glass of red wine on the living room carpet. Much to our suprise, Mom was ecstatic!
She knew it meant she was getting new floors. The wood finally came in and Daddy got to work. He did our playroom first.

Next he tackled the Living Room. Coley decided to help by cleaning the dust off.

I helped my own way.

Really, I'm not a dusting kind of guy. I'm a builder/worker kind of man. I helped Dad out just as soon as I made sure he was abiding by the minimum safety procedures.

You're welcome Dad. I know you couldn't get anything done without us.

Monday, October 13, 2014

You Get the Picture

The Momparazzi wanted an adorable picture of her boys on the giant red chair so one of us climbed right up and struck a pose. The other one...  well sort of?

Still a perfect pose on the left, while on the right....  oh boy.

Left is holding steady. Right is falling apart quickly.

Left will not be broken! Right side is just doing his own thing.

And.... in the end, the right side of the chair held a lovely pose throughout while the left gave a good show, then took off without even pausing to check for approval. I think this pretty much sums up our personalities.

More Pumpkin Patch Fun

We jumped on this GIANT yellow pillow thingy for a bit. Coley stayed longer because as usual, he made a new friend and wanted to stay to play with him.

I am less interested in new friends so I grabbed Dad and we took off for the race track. This year, because I am Batman, I drove by myself.

That got old quick so I climbed in with Dad.

Mom and Coley watched for a bit

Then I decided I wanted to go jump so Coley jumped on to race the old lady for a lap or two.

We had to wait a bit to go on the hayride so I milked a cow.

Then it was off on the wagon to the Pumpkin Patch which was FULL of great pumpkins this year.

We looked high and low for the evasive White Pumpkin which Mom loves.

And finally, we found it!  Hooray!
we took it home and quickly turned it into a skeleton - Mom's favorite!

Fall Family Traditions

We've been having so much fun this fall, we've hardly had time to look forward to anything! This Sunday, we were surprised to learn it was time for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. Our new favorite patch is Lark Ranch and this is our second year there.

They have SO much stuff to do! We made a beeline for the panning for treasure station because Dad said he didn't want to lug our bags of dirt around all afternoon.

I scored a SWEET arrowhead!

B was up next. Oh, I should say "Batman" because this weekend, he was Batman and he does NOT like it when we get that wrong.

Here are all the potential treasures. We found almost all of them in our bags.

Next was the little train ride thingy. Batman is finally brave enough to rock it on his own.

And he wanted me to go along so I was a good sport.

Then, we found the world's greatest bounce house! It wasn't just a bounce thing, there was a giant log that flung around like crazy and you had to dodge it!

It.Was.Awesome! I stayed in as long as he possibly could.
We got out butts completely handed to us.

but it was SO much fun!

Oh and I forgot to mention there were gators in every corner. Yikes!

They also had a "cornbox" which Batman absolutely loved.

We had to be dragged from each game to the next. We could've stayed all day!

Since he was Batman this year, our littlest attendee had no fears of the giant slide. Mom got a massive bump and may not go again!

Dad was a good sport though!

Batman LOVED the slide. Too bad B wasn't there to try it..

Then we found this massive pile of D I R T!  Awesome!

Pumpkin Patch Portrait. We think these two old people had fun too :)