Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day Kurt Daddy!

The Fantastic Four decided to take their two favorite Daddies out for dinner last night.  Julie was really smart and scored the big corner booth for us.  Bryce got right down to business charming those two pretty girls we love so much.

While I cozied up to my fave, Julie!

Of course, the Dads sat together.  We didn't want to interrupt any of their SUPER exciting stock, stamp, precious metal or fishing talk.  They were also really happy to receive their gifts which will allow them to pursue another Dad hobby together.  Better them than us!

I was sure to tell Dad how great he is.  This was before I dumped Mom's entire cup of water on the floor and in Bryce's carseat AND before I flicked an ice cube in another diner's face.  Mom marched me over and made me apologize, which was the pretty much the most embarassing moment of my life.  I cried the rest of dinner and all the way home.

Except for this small break :)  Gotta love best friends like these who love you no matter what.
Why they keep going out to dinner with us, we have no idea!

We wrapped up the night with a cuddle and a movie in my room.  We wanted to show our Dad how much we love having him around.  He really is the greatest Dad.
Love you Kurt Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!

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