Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Come on in, The Water's FRIGID!

What a great Memorial Day!  A rare holiday for us because DADDY was home!  He got right up and put my new big pool together.  I couldn't wait for the water to warm up so at 9:30am I hopped right in.  Brrrr!

I did a lot of hopping in and out. 
The Momparazzi was kind enough not to zoom in on my skin and bones.  I'm still working on beefing up.

Not Parker!  He's a beefcake already.  The fun REALLY started when he came over.  We spent 5 hours in my pool.
Daddy did dip Bryce in, but he was not impressed.  Maybe by the end of the summer, little buddy.

Alyssa was smart. She waited until the water was warm.

It didn't take us long to start doing cannon balls and running from across the yard to dive in. 
We also had a kids against parents water fight during which Parker soaked Mom to the bone. 

It should be noted that I now have an enormous amount of hair on my back.  It's the talk of daycare actually. 
What can I say?  I'm a manly little man!
Let Summer begin!

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