Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Conversations With Cole - How to Put a Kid to Bed

I've learned that putting me to bed is a very different concept for my two very different parents.  If I asked them to write step by step instructions for the task, I imagine I'd get the following:

1.  Pajamas on, brush teeth, potty and find stuffed animal/superheroes requested.
2.  Read a book or tell a made up story.
3.  Play Superhero game
4.  Rub Feet, rub back and rub face.
5.  Cuddle and whisper "I love yous" and "who else loves yous"
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until child is asleep.

Open bed, insert kid

So... I've learned to be VERY specific when demanding a bed time partner.

Cole:  (en route to bed) Anyone lay with me?
Dad:  Sure buddy!  I'll lay with you.
Cole:  Um... anyone lay with me that has a green shirt on?
Dad:  Sure buddy!  I'll go put a green shirt on!
Cole:  Um....  Uh...  Anyone lay with me that has a green shirt on and is a girl?

Bet you can't guess what Mom was wearing.  You've gotta be pretty sharp to keep up with me.

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