Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Boys Will Be Rowdy Boys

Mom and Dad thought it'd be a nice treat for me to frolick in the sprinkler the other night.  They thought Parker and Alyssa might enjoy a little frolicking too. 
Who Frolicks?!  Not us!  We got right down to business fighting each other and the sprinkler.

Ya!  Take that!

Alyssa decided to play with Bryce instead.  Smart girl, lucky kid.

He was just so happy to be outside with us big kids.
It didn't take long for us to get in trouble.  We thought it'd be a great idea to sit on the water and see if it could launch us.  Dad didn't think it was nearly as funny as we did.

So we headed indoors and wrapped up the evening with a gun show.
Got your tickets ladies?

Friday, June 24, 2011

6 Months Old!

Has it really been 6 months already?! 
I am pretty much the happiest, easiest baby there is.
This week it's been Dad, Cole and I so we're roughing it just a little bit, but it makes us feel more manly :)
I don't have any teeth yet, but I'm sitting up and pulling myself along and rolling like a champ.
I love my big brother best of all, but my face lights up when Mom and Dad and my girls come around too.  I'm getting good at recognizing faces.  I'm talking up a storm and especially like making new noises and sounds with my tongue.
My favorite foods are apples, carrots, pears and sweet potatoes.  I also love puffs which feel super cool in my mouth, but are next to impossible to get there.  My tummy still doesn't tolerate soy or dairy well, but I keep trying a little bit here and there.  I sleep 10 hrs. straight every night in my own bed in my own room. Big brother always asks me to sleep with him, but Mom won't let us yet.  Soon!
I don't see the doc for a couple of weeks yet so stay tuned for vital signs to come.

PS. The Momparazzi dropped her camera last week so we have been WITHOUT any pictures all week.  I'm sure she'll be put buying a new one this weekend.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy First Day of Summer

Happy Summer!  In Vandyville, all kids are required to love being outside and I'm no exception.  I walk at least three miles with Mom, Dad and my girls a day and even though I have the fairest skin under the sun, I do have a respectable little farmer's tan already.  We sure do love summertime!

Mom took this picture just as Dad came in to say "what on earth is he wearing?!  Are those capris?"

"Mooooom!"  Turns out she'd dressed me in newborn pants!?
Give a guy a chance, Ma!
Hope you are enjoying summer as much as we are!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day Kurt Daddy!

The Fantastic Four decided to take their two favorite Daddies out for dinner last night.  Julie was really smart and scored the big corner booth for us.  Bryce got right down to business charming those two pretty girls we love so much.

While I cozied up to my fave, Julie!

Of course, the Dads sat together.  We didn't want to interrupt any of their SUPER exciting stock, stamp, precious metal or fishing talk.  They were also really happy to receive their gifts which will allow them to pursue another Dad hobby together.  Better them than us!

I was sure to tell Dad how great he is.  This was before I dumped Mom's entire cup of water on the floor and in Bryce's carseat AND before I flicked an ice cube in another diner's face.  Mom marched me over and made me apologize, which was the pretty much the most embarassing moment of my life.  I cried the rest of dinner and all the way home.

Except for this small break :)  Gotta love best friends like these who love you no matter what.
Why they keep going out to dinner with us, we have no idea!

We wrapped up the night with a cuddle and a movie in my room.  We wanted to show our Dad how much we love having him around.  He really is the greatest Dad.
Love you Kurt Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Shout Out to Our Bestest

One of our favorites has a birthday today!
Here we are, the fantastic four.

and this is how happy we are to have these two gorgeous girls in our lives.
Happy Birthday KK!  We love you to bits and pieces.

"Quiet" Sunday

It's been a rowdy week at our house.  I was starting to get just a teensy tiny bit sick so Mom was very grateful for a visit from our good friends who wanted to play inside.  Here's Vann, Stella, Bryce and I enjoying a Sunday afternoon movie on the couch.

Of course, boys will be boys...  We did find SOME rowdy things to do.

You can take the boy outta play, but you can't take the play outta the boy!
Thanks for coming over Oppermans!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Guess That Vandy

 Time for another round of "Guess That Little Vandy!"  The pictures below were taken when both boys were 5.5 months old. 

Hint:  The newest little Vandy is 2+ lbs heavier than the older one was at this age :)


Papa was in town this weekend and he stopped in for a quick visit.

We sure do love spending time with him.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hungry Baby

This is my new sign for "FEED ME!"  I eat my bottom lip.

I am a champion eater.  If you haven't seen me in person, you may not believe it, but I can put some serious calories down!  I eat more formula than the top amt. on Mom's feeding chart for babies AND I put down at least 1.5 containers of baby food/day.

Today, I discovered carrots.  YUM!

Nothing better than a great meal.  Thanks Dad!

Man Down!

We got some terrible news this week.  My best friend had an accident at gymnastics and his leg was broken in 2 spots!  He's super tough, so I wasn't as worried as you might think.  I just knew he'd be even more bummed than I was to know that he wouldn't be able to run and jump and play outside for a few weeks.  To cheer him up, I made Mom take me to the store to get him some stationary activities and made him a big sign and a card.  I surprised Mom by also picking out a princess coloring book for Stella.  I bet she's bummed too!  Here I am hard at work thinking about my buddy Vann.

I have to admit, I was a little weirded out when Mom told me about his broken leg.   I kept asking "but where IS his leg?"  Mom didn't understand my confusion until Momo pointed out that I probably thought it was in another room like what happens when my guys break their legs (right off!).  I was really relieved to see that he didn't actually lose his leg somewhere.  It should also be noted that when Mom told me some kid jumped on him, I told her I wanted to put him in Time Out.  I've got your back, bud!  Just let me know if you want me to seek justice.

Of course, my best bud has the greatest family.  They rigged up his wagon for him and when we got there his  Dad was taking him for a ride.  Can you believe my tough buddy was also fighting a fever?  He's so cool.  He was still a great host and I think he liked my homemade card with pictures of him and his family.

A good soldier never leaves a man behind, so we are planning lots of movie and zoo trips in the coming weeks.  You really can't keep a good man down.  Get better soon bud!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Mom's had a few requests for a list of my guys for upcoming birthday shopping so here are all the Superheroes I have:

Hulk, Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, Electro, Vulture, Two Face, Penguin, Batman, Robin, Riddler, Joker, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Cyclops, Falcon, Loki, War Machine, Modok, Flash, Ice Man, Torch, The Thing, Punisher, Jean Grey, Silver Surfer, Venom, Sandman, Captain America, Doctor Octopus, Red Tornado, Green Goblin, Hob Goblin, Red Tornado, Superman, Shocker, Solomon Grundy and a couple more whose names Mom doesn't know.

Dad says be sure to remind everyone that money for college is also a fantastic gift.  Daaaaaad!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Do They Dare?

Daddy finally put the birdhouse Baba made for him up.
We are hoping there are some kamikaze birds around who might be interested in nesting on Ft. Vandy so we can PLAY with them!  C'mon birdies, we dare you to move on in!

Come on in, The Water's FRIGID!

What a great Memorial Day!  A rare holiday for us because DADDY was home!  He got right up and put my new big pool together.  I couldn't wait for the water to warm up so at 9:30am I hopped right in.  Brrrr!

I did a lot of hopping in and out. 
The Momparazzi was kind enough not to zoom in on my skin and bones.  I'm still working on beefing up.

Not Parker!  He's a beefcake already.  The fun REALLY started when he came over.  We spent 5 hours in my pool.
Daddy did dip Bryce in, but he was not impressed.  Maybe by the end of the summer, little buddy.

Alyssa was smart. She waited until the water was warm.

It didn't take us long to start doing cannon balls and running from across the yard to dive in. 
We also had a kids against parents water fight during which Parker soaked Mom to the bone. 

It should be noted that I now have an enormous amount of hair on my back.  It's the talk of daycare actually. 
What can I say?  I'm a manly little man!
Let Summer begin!

Conversations With Cole - How to Put a Kid to Bed

I've learned that putting me to bed is a very different concept for my two very different parents.  If I asked them to write step by step instructions for the task, I imagine I'd get the following:

1.  Pajamas on, brush teeth, potty and find stuffed animal/superheroes requested.
2.  Read a book or tell a made up story.
3.  Play Superhero game
4.  Rub Feet, rub back and rub face.
5.  Cuddle and whisper "I love yous" and "who else loves yous"
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until child is asleep.

Open bed, insert kid

So... I've learned to be VERY specific when demanding a bed time partner.

Cole:  (en route to bed) Anyone lay with me?
Dad:  Sure buddy!  I'll lay with you.
Cole:  Um... anyone lay with me that has a green shirt on?
Dad:  Sure buddy!  I'll go put a green shirt on!
Cole:  Um....  Uh...  Anyone lay with me that has a green shirt on and is a girl?

Bet you can't guess what Mom was wearing.  You've gotta be pretty sharp to keep up with me.