Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vital Signs - 1 Month

Well we got good news and bad at the doctor's office today.  Turns out my little brother is even more like me.  He is suffering both from bad reflux AND from an allergy to cow's milk (he had blood in his stool) so the non-stop screaming he's been doing is definitely warranted.  Poor guy!  I know what that feels like.  The GOOD news is that unlike me, he's gaining weight like a champ (10.6 lbs today) and growing (21.75 inches).  Also unlike me, he has a great pediatrician who sent Mom home with an Rx, some cow's milk free formula to help Bryce out until she gets dairy completely out of her diet, and a whole lot more hope than we EVER had when I was going through the same thing.  My dr. just kept saying I'd grow out of it.
Additionally, Bryce has an umbilical hernia (thanks Mama Flatau for the heads up!).  It's not bothering him and he should grow out of it, but we'll need to keep an eye on it.

Thanks Dr. Gurichiek!  We'll keep you posted on the little man's progress.

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