Monday, January 31, 2011

Grandma's Boys

What a fantastic weekend!  Grandma came down early early on Friday.  She came to watch me play soccer and then spent the rest of the weekend spoiling us all.  Here we are playing the new card game she taught me "Go Fish."

She played Superheroes with me ALL weekend.  She even watched Superhero movies with me.
AND, because I was such a good boy, she bought me a new Superhero - Ghost Rider!

When Grandma first got here, Bryce was still screaming whenever he was awake.  Grandma was a real trooper and just held him and cuddled him until he fell back asleep.  Mommy made sure she learned the "Grandma shuffle" which is a great little dance that calms Bryce down right away (well it does when GRANDMA does it anyway :)

I made sure Grandma knew where everything was and I wasn't one bit jealous of the time she spent with Bryce.  I love spending time with him too!  Here we are giving the little man a much needed bath.

I like to give him kisses.  I hate it when he's upset.

Bryce and I agree.  This lady is awesome!  We were all very sad to see her go.  Come back soon Grandma.  We still need to figure out what happened to the old man who drank from the bottle! :)

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