Can you believe it's already time for my annual "Year in Review" post?! Here's what happened in 2010:
10. I was really sick for three whole weeks in January. I ended up with pneumonia, but came back strong and was pretty healthy for the whole rest of the year.
9. I spent a TON of time cheering for my girls at their sporting events, playing with them in our backyards and enjoying their company on countless outings. They are truly the greatest neighbors and friends a guy could ask for. PS. Their parents are pretty awesome too!
8. I learned most of my letters, all of my colors, and some of my numbers.
7. I helped transform our living room, dining room, guest bedroom and my old room. Our house is totally re-made!
6. I started pre-school and learned how to write my own name and how to sit still.
5. I fell in love with all things Superhero.
4. I took swimming lessons, and although I'm not a huge fan of the water, I don't hate it anymore either.
3. I got to spend a lot of time with my friends at school and my buddy Vann. We even hosted each other for sleepovers!
2. I decided to use the potty FULL TIME and ditched diapers for good.
1. Mom and Dad gave me the ultimate Christmas present - a Baby Brother!
Oh, and speaking of Baby Brother - he has a "year in review" post too.
10. I came out of Mommy's tummy just a little early.
9. I ate.
8. I slept.
7. I pooped.
6. I burped.
5. I smiled.
4. I ate more.
3. I pooped again.
2. I sleep a LOT.
1. I won the hearts of all.
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