Sunday, June 29, 2014


Last night, we met some great people for dinner then went over to the high school for a 4th of July Festival!

Great Person #1 - Our good buddy Davis!  We big dudes ruled the strong man game.  Davis gave the bell a ring, ring

I gave er a Ring Ring.

Then Levi gave it a RING BONG RING CLANG BONG!  Must've been the three tacos, two enchiladas and bucket of chips he ate for dinner!

B is never left out.  He gave it a ping ting

Then he cut in front of about 3 little girls to get his face painted.  After throwing a fit when Mom made him wait his turn and waiting for about 15 minutes, he sat down and demanded to be made into a tiger.  This took about 15 more minutes...

And this one took just as long?!

As soon as B's tiger face was finished he threw another fit and insisted it come off RIGHT NOW!

We found a lot more friends at the Festival.  Here's our good buddy Ian!

Ian raced Cole through the obstacle course.

Then we settled in on the lawn for fireworks.  B pretended he was the conductor and told them when to go off, then raced back to the blanket when they did.

More great people - Davis' parents!

And I do want to give a shout out to my best buddy and my wingman.  I had to go to a GIRL party for Sissy earlier in the day and he agreed to go along with me.  Levi, B, Jonah and I were surrounded by G I R L S!  YUCK!  Thanks for enduring the afternoon in a pool fully of ladies with me man.  I couldn't have done it without you.

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