Last night, we met some great people for dinner then went over to the high school for a 4th of July Festival! |
Great Person #1 - Our good buddy Davis! We big dudes ruled the strong man game. Davis gave the bell a ring, ring |
I gave er a Ring Ring. |
Then Levi gave it a RING BONG RING CLANG BONG! Must've been the three tacos, two enchiladas and bucket of chips he ate for dinner! |
B is never left out. He gave it a ping ting |
And this one took just as long?! |
As soon as B's tiger face was finished he threw another fit and insisted it come off RIGHT NOW! |
We found a lot more friends at the Festival. Here's our good buddy Ian! |
Ian raced Cole through the obstacle course. |
Then we settled in on the lawn for fireworks. B pretended he was the conductor and told them when to go off, then raced back to the blanket when they did. |
More great people - Davis' parents! |