Sunday, June 29, 2014


Last night, we met some great people for dinner then went over to the high school for a 4th of July Festival!

Great Person #1 - Our good buddy Davis!  We big dudes ruled the strong man game.  Davis gave the bell a ring, ring

I gave er a Ring Ring.

Then Levi gave it a RING BONG RING CLANG BONG!  Must've been the three tacos, two enchiladas and bucket of chips he ate for dinner!

B is never left out.  He gave it a ping ting

Then he cut in front of about 3 little girls to get his face painted.  After throwing a fit when Mom made him wait his turn and waiting for about 15 minutes, he sat down and demanded to be made into a tiger.  This took about 15 more minutes...

And this one took just as long?!

As soon as B's tiger face was finished he threw another fit and insisted it come off RIGHT NOW!

We found a lot more friends at the Festival.  Here's our good buddy Ian!

Ian raced Cole through the obstacle course.

Then we settled in on the lawn for fireworks.  B pretended he was the conductor and told them when to go off, then raced back to the blanket when they did.

More great people - Davis' parents!

And I do want to give a shout out to my best buddy and my wingman.  I had to go to a GIRL party for Sissy earlier in the day and he agreed to go along with me.  Levi, B, Jonah and I were surrounded by G I R L S!  YUCK!  Thanks for enduring the afternoon in a pool fully of ladies with me man.  I couldn't have done it without you.

Take Us Out!

Once again, we managed to charm Mom's co-workers into box seats at the Cubs game!

This year, I actually wanted to sit and watch for awhile.
We were really not happy about having to walk 5 blocks to and from Wrigley Field.  I didn't even know what a block was!

It was a lot of fun until we lost our minds having to sit still for so long and Mom and Dad hauled us out.  B actually fell asleep like a little african baby on Mom's back on the way back to the car!  Okay, we have had a busy 3 weeks!

Lords of the Land

You probably already know that we are Lords of Vandyville.  Finally, Mom and Dad started treating us like the royalty we are.

They took us to a proper home for two young princes.  A gigantic castle!

Of course it was fully stocked with all the coolest weapons.

We were slightly annoyed that we couldn't access them and Lord B was very annoyed that Mom and Dad wouldn't buy him a real sword or a real suit of armor.  They're lucky he didn't throw them in the dungeon.
Mom thinks the guy must really love his job.

Lord B only forgot about the armor when he saw a real life genuine KING!

I was very impressed and wanted to go give the guy knuckles.  Mom fought me off while Dad took on Lord Cole with the lame-oh wooden swords they got us.  How embarassing.

Oh and there were other grown ups who were dressed up like Lords and Ladies.  Our parents could only be persuaded to wear the crowns.

Ah well, we made the most of it.

When we finally got into the arena, we learned we were from Casa Valiente and Lord Valiente was our knight.  He was the blue knight and he was AWESOME.

There he is!  He was the real deal with long knight hair and an english accent and everything! Oh and he rode a real horse who pooped in the sand and a servant (who also looked like the real deal) ran out to shovel the poop.  We thought that was hilarious!

We ate without forks or spoons and didn't get in trouble! 

It was a great show filled with knightly games, fights, horse tricks and even a falcon show.  We were so happy until the end when the knights started killing each other off and Mom told us it wasn't real.  What a buzz kill!

Proof the Momparazzi was there.

In the end, Lord Valiente won and we cheered like maniacs.  What a great show for two royal Vandys.

When the Mom's Away

Mom went back to work early Thursday morning, so we decided to have some FUN!  Dad took us over to LEGOland.

We spent 4 hours there and didn't want to leave!

Cole seems to be afraid of everything lately ;)

Except his old buddy Darth

Dad was a good sport and took a few pictures per the Momparazzi's request.

And we decided to spend a little time with this lonely old guy before we left.  Thanks for a fun day Pops!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Too Much!

Mom spent a week in Chicago, then went right back for another one after camp.  We knew she had to be dying of boredom with nobody yelling, jumping, laughing or creating mayhem, so we packed up our things and headed up to join her!  She was so happy to see us, she took us to the Rainforest Cafe. 

There were so many cool animals there that moved.  This snake freaked me out quite a bit.

As did this crocodile!

Cole never misses an opportunity to put on a show for the camera.  Thanks for making the shot more interesting, bud!

This was my favorite part of the whole restaurant and I threw a fit when I had to leave to go eat.

A talking tree with eyes that blink?!  Is this not the greatest thing you've ever seen?

There were a lot of giant, colorful fish.  Who knew they lived in Rainforests?!

and monkeys.  Daddy does NOT like Monkeys.

We sat beneath the gorillas and I nearly jumped out of my skin the first time they started grunting.  Then I got in trouble for trying to throw them pieces of my food.  Geez Mom, I'm just trying to keep the beasts happy!

I started to think Cole may not really be that afraid of the animals....

I would not be bothered with food.  I just wanted to explore!

There were wild animals hiding in every nook and cranny.  Look at this frightening thing!

We loved the giant frog too.

Okay so I found a little time to eat once I saw what was for desert.

I wonder where Cole gets his showmanship from?

Oh did you notice his front tooth dangling there?  I did that!  Threw a toy right into his kisser and knocked that puppy almost all the way out.  You'd think the kid would be grateful, but he didn't even share the loot he got from the tooth fairy when it fell all the way out the next day!?  Geez. 

After a night of tossing and turning and bed hopping, Mom was joined by me at the crack of dawn to help her get ready for work.  No more boring peace and quiet Mom!  You're welcome :)