Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Spirit Week!

It's Lutheran Schools Spirit Week again!  Monday, we bundled up in our PJs and headed off to school a couple of hours late. When we got home, Mom had a headache and was complaining about the carbon monoxide detector beeping all day.  When Dad got home, things went a little nutty because he realized the upstairs furnace was also out.  Next thing we knew, there were two firetrucks out front and 11 firemen in gas masks in our garage and we were being whisked away from the fun to a hotel.  What?!  Turns out, there was no CO in the air so we got to go home and cuddle up on the main floor.  A bit of a let down, but we were still pumped because Tuesday was CRAZY day at school.

Ah, but school was canceled OF COURSE.  So, we decided to have Crazy Day at home and Mom was a very good participant.  We're pretty sure she was as near to crazy as it gets without having to medicate :)  Luckily, school is back on today for "Salad Dressing Day."  If you can't guess, Coley is Western Dressing and I am Batman because that's how I roll.

Yes, that is genuine milk in his mustache.  Mom would like it noted in a permanent record that she strongly urged Coley to wear a different 'stache, but he and Daddy insisted on this one. 

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