Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Yesterday, Mom made a mad dash to the grocery store and came back telling horror stories of empty shelves.  We even had to use ground SOY in our chili because we're pretty sure Mama Chaille hoarded all the ground turkey.  Then, early Sunday morning, the flakes began to fall.  This is what our front yard looked like only a few hours later!

B and were very helpful as targets for Dad to toss the snow at.

Like most harassed celebrities, we too eventually snap on the Momparazzi and go into attack mode.

Ah but our Momparazzi is SLICK!  She came with a tray of hot cocoa and cookies!  It's amazing how fast diva's can be placated with just the right offering.

Yep, his coat is soaked.

Note to all new and/or aspiring Moms.  Hot Cocoa is a sure fire way to win a boy's heart.

We did track the time it took for B's cheeks to turn from magenta back to pale ivory.  It was about 2 hours!

I'm assured he did do his good brother duty and call to me to come get some hot cocoa, but I could not be swayed.

No problem!  More for him.  Thanks Dad for taking us out to enjoy Snowmaggedon.  We didn't leave the house again until school opened on Thursday and then it was closed right back down on Friday!  What a mess!

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