Monday, December 3, 2012


It's a party week for us.  Since it was so nice out, Mom and Dad broke out one of B's presents early.

We love it almost as much as we love each other.

Even though we were out to eat late after church with our friends Levi, Siah and Micah after church Sunday, we still had plenty of jumping energy on Sunday.

Here's the handsome birthday boy!

Um... we like to be not so handsome too.

Outside barefoot in December.  Do NOT tell Grandma Pam!

Seth came over for a romp too! 

We had an excellent friend filled weekend. 

Look away Grandma...

Okay, so the four wheeler only goes about 2mph with big beefy boys on it.  Maybe not as death defying a trick as Cole would like for you to believe.

Thanks for a fun weekend Werners and Knippenbergs! 
We cannot wait to party with more friends!

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