Monday, May 21, 2012

Who Turned up the HEAT?

Wow, was it HOT out this weekend!
We spent most of our waking hours trying to cool off.  Lucky for we men
we can go out with minimal clothing.

I am not known as the skinny kid 'round here.  I take pride in my nice belly!

My hair has gotten pretty white. Dad says his is headed that way too.
I may not always jump in and join the action, but I do love cheering for my nutty brother.

He was soaking wet ALL weekend!

Give the kid a little water and he's happy for hours.
Mom says he used to be averse like me, but he went through some sort of intense water therapy treatment with Dr. Sydney and Dr. KK?  I sure hope she doesn't plan to enroll me anytime soon!

Don't tell Daddy we snuck this hunky shot on the blog.

Especially since he will most likely be jealous.  We all know who's the real beefcake 'round here!

Hopw you're all enjoying the great outdoors as much as we are!

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