Thursday, May 24, 2012

17 Months

Mom says she thinks Father Time may be resting on the Fast Forward button these days.
I'm already 17 months old!  Now that I'm pretty much grown, I can do all the important things myself.
Like getting snacks, and taking off diapers and opening doors. All critical life skills.

I'm also getting really good at charming the ladies.  I can give disapproving looks which make anyone want to curl up and die.  Or..

I can turn on the charm :)  Mom thinks we may have another salesman in the family.

Other developmental milestones include:
I can say:  Poop, Boobies and Booty (thanks to Cole).  I can also say Cole, Daddy, Meow, Hi, Hola, Bye bye, Up, Choo Choo, outside, shoes, juice, milk, buddy, Bugga, School, Up, Mommy, Ball, This, Uh Oh and a few other important words. 
I also know how to dance, kick (thanks Cole), Climb, throw a ball, kick a ball and eat with a fork.
I'm right on track with my height and weight and am growing up really fast.

Life is pretty sweet!

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