Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend With Daddy!

For as long as we can remember, it's been Mommy, B and Cole on the weekends.
That's been a little less lame lately because B is finally able to fight and play with me.

And it was a LOT less lame this weekend because Daddy was here with us
both days!  He knows just how to play rowdy boy games.
He took us to play at the arcade.  I beat him AND Mom in air hockey and I kicked Dad's butt in bumper cars too.

B had a great time sitting in his favorite race car.  That kid sure does love cars, trucks and trains.

Lookout Carl Edwards!

We knew it was time to go when B started making out with the rack of racoon hats in the gift shop.

Nap Time!

We got to go to church, out for dinner, out for ice cream and Dad and I even got to go fishing.
What an awesome time we had as a whole family.  We can't wait for more!

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