Sunday, April 29, 2012

Will - Round 2

Will stayed the night again this week!
We had a fantastic evening riding my four wheeler and playing.
We actually fell asleep before 9pm this time too.
Unfortunately, Will woke up and ralphed all over the place in the
middle of the night.

Talk about a trooper though!  He went back to sleep and was gung ho
in the morning - even though he ralphed again!
He had a good reason.  We had plans to go to the children's museum.
You can see, my buddy is tough.
I had a great time there too!

B was anxious to see everything.

He's keeping up more and more these days.
Mom says her baby is slowly leaving her (sniff) and
turning into a stinky little boy.

Dad tried to hold the little man still for a picture. 
No such luck Pops.

He was glued to my side and I didn't mind one bit.

Mom did manage to score a little "B and Me time."  Guess where he went?
Yup.  Straight for the fridge, just like at home.
"Hey Mom!  Where's lunch?!"

And.. his favorite part of the whole museum were these spinning face panels.
He was fixated on the grandma and grandpa.  I think someone misses you!

Will hung on like a trooper the whole time we were there.

He checked out everything.

I did too.
Sorry to say, he ralphed again four times in the parking lot when we took him to his Mom.
Thanks for hanging in there bud.  Hope you feel better soon!

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