Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Rainy Days In Vandyville!

Mom and I have been reading a lot of Dr. Suess books lately (thanks Baba).
My favorites are "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Cat in the Hat." 
Mom finally remembered these fun t-shirts from Papa and Nana and
we decided to re-inact the story even though we've had NO bad weather at all
around here lately.

At first, I was content to sit and be cute with B.

Then we remembered that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were agents of chaos and mayhem.
I got busy trashing the house and Mom was not happy.
Can you believe B went running to her and tried to let me take ALL the blame?

It didn't work. We got shipped outside.
Before she knew it, we'd created a chalk/juice mess on the driveway and were sitting and playing in it!

Guess who's idea it was?!  This time I had PROOF.

Okay, I may have been just as quilty.

We tried to make a run for it once we knew we were busted.

Where was that Cat when it was time to clean up?
We are writing a sternly worded letter to the good Dr. Seuss.


Just a couple of shots to show you that even though I'm a world class stinker
who loves nothing more than stirring the pot, I'm still able
to flip the switch and APPEAR angelic.

This one gets me out of trouble almost every time.

Moms are pretty easy :)

Since Cole's been such a good, mild mannered sweet heart lately,
someone has to shake things up around here!

And this one is for KK.
At LONG last, Cole is willing to sport the faux hawk.

See what I mean?  Even with the hair, he's an angel.
Good Lord.
Here's to Balance!

Friday, March 23, 2012

How Many Big Kids?

Mom left for Utah this Sunday and when she told me I was going to have babysitters, I was NOT happy.
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She quickly told me Bryce was actually going to have babysitters and I was there to help them take care of him.  That went over much better for me and honestly, I had an awesome time "helping" Sydney and KK!  I don't think B minded one bit either :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Silliness, Sweets and Sunburns

We are LOVING this Spring.  Our summertime friends are already around.
Parker came over today for a St. Patty's day treat. 
Of course, we cranked up the silliness.

Mom couldn't get over how big and handsome we both are.

B was not interested in the cupcake as anything more than something to squish
into the lawn chair.  He was pretty serious about putting down his juice box though.
It was HOT out!

Can you believe we wound up with minor sunburns in March?  What a great Spring it is.

Opposite O'Vandys

Happy St. Patty's Day! 
We began our day by building a Leprechaun trap in Mom and Dad's bed.

One of us LOVES playing with others and wants nothing more than
for everyone to get along.  The same little Vandy cries very easily and
hates getting in trouble.  The other one wants things
all to himself, loves nothing better than conflict, and thinks it's hysterical
when Mom or Dad say "No NO!"

Okay, we're both pretty stinkin cute.
One of us wanted the trap to be just so..
The other one wanted to demolish it.

And we both do love each other even though we've started acting
more like siblings lately.  One of us like hugging and kissing while the
other likes kicking and scratching.

We didn't catch a leprechaun, but we did have some fun.

Until the one of us who like conflict got a little upset that the other
one of us was getting attention and playing in his zone.

One of us is quite the little stinker but variety is the spice of life, right?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

First Romp in the Sprinkler!

It was 80 degrees today!  Dad was nice enough to break out the sprinker.
I went full speed ahead.

B was doing something with his head...

He loved wearing this little hat.

And he thought the sprinkler was pretty interesting too.

Until he got a little sprinkle.

Then I was OUT!

First gunshow of the season usually goes hand in hand with the first time I sport my swimsuit.

And.. . B's first knee scrape.
All in all a fantastic Spring Day.

First Trip to the Park!

After school and ice cream, Mom and Dad took us to our favorite park.

I loved every minute of it.

While Cole was off chasing the big kids around, I was going up and down the slide time and time again.

The best part was how my baby hair stood up from the static.

I also spent time talking to the ladies - of course!

Mom got a great shot of Dad and Cole watching the turtles in the pond.

What a great first trip and the first time I got to walk around the park.

Signs of Spring in Vandyville

We've been outside all week!  Of course you know what we make a beeline for the minute
we step outside - The Girl's House.  Even B knows where they live.

B is still getting used to the trampoline.  He mostly just cuddles with Sydney while we're on it.

Me... I like to go CRAZY!

B would really rather play on terra firma.  There are lots of balls
there and Sammy to chase. Who wouldn't love that?

And... back in Vandyville, a family has moved into our birdhouse. 
Hey Baba - it works!  We love watching the birds build their nest
and can't wait to see what goes on all summer.

Happy Spring!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Name That Vandy

Here we are side by side yet again.  This game is getting easier and easier!

Joy Ball

Mom said she felt it was just wrong not to share these snapshots of
her little joy ball.

I may just be the happiest, most easy going kid alive.
I love life!  What can I say?

Baby McCurdy!

And.. the reason for our trip!  Baby McCurdy's Shower!
We got to celebrate with some of our oldest and best friends, The McCurdy's.
Look how big our princess Avery is getting!

B was in heaven surrounded by so many beautiful women.

I was pretty happy too :)
Does it really get any better than this?
So many beautiful Moms fawning over B.
What a great party.  What a great family.
Congratulations McCurdys!  We can't wait to meet
your new little man!