Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Rainy Days In Vandyville!

Mom and I have been reading a lot of Dr. Suess books lately (thanks Baba).
My favorites are "Green Eggs and Ham" and "The Cat in the Hat." 
Mom finally remembered these fun t-shirts from Papa and Nana and
we decided to re-inact the story even though we've had NO bad weather at all
around here lately.

At first, I was content to sit and be cute with B.

Then we remembered that Thing 1 and Thing 2 were agents of chaos and mayhem.
I got busy trashing the house and Mom was not happy.
Can you believe B went running to her and tried to let me take ALL the blame?

It didn't work. We got shipped outside.
Before she knew it, we'd created a chalk/juice mess on the driveway and were sitting and playing in it!

Guess who's idea it was?!  This time I had PROOF.

Okay, I may have been just as quilty.

We tried to make a run for it once we knew we were busted.

Where was that Cat when it was time to clean up?
We are writing a sternly worded letter to the good Dr. Seuss.

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