Sunday, February 26, 2012

Good Things Come to Good Boys

From one of my parents, I inherited the gene that simply will not allow
me to back down until I get exactly what I want.  My buddy Will and I have been
working on a play date for MONTHS and today... finally, it happened.
We couldn't have been more excited to spend the day together.

We played inside, outside, and in every room with every toy in the house.
Will tackled the big scary ladder on Ft. Vandy with little trouble at all.

Since we play together at school most days, we already had all our games
mapped out.  It was an awesome day for everyone - especially Mom who only
had to make sure we didn't plow B over in our frantic state of constant play.

B hung in like a champ though!  Like all my friends, Will was super nice to
him and he was just happy to be somewhere amidst the action.

We started plotting a sleepover...  I'm hoping it goes down!

I think you'd be hard pressed to find two more well behaved boys in the
tri-state area :)

What a great day!  Thanks Will's Mom and My Mom for finally working it out!

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