Monday, September 6, 2010

Webslinger Training Camp

My good buddy Spiderman set up a little training camp for young webslingers like me. He spun this giant blue and red spiderweb. I LOVE climbing it.
Dad climbs up with me. We have good chats in the web - just like MJ and Peter Parker. We don't talk about lame stuff like feelings though... We talk about fighting bad guys and man stuff.
Here we are debating who's the bigger foe - Green Goblin or Venom...
I don't climb down the web. I swing and just drop down like Spidey would do. I'm ready to start fighting crime anytime Spidey! Just give me a call.
Oh, and this is what Mom looks like lately. That's my little brother in there. He's a superhero too. 17 more weeks 'til we get to meet him!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!! We want to come to that playground right now. It looks super fun!


    p.s. Tell your mom that my mom said she is super tiny and super adorable. Whatever that means.
