Monday, September 13, 2010

My Favorite Part

After the soccer game, Mom and I stopped to pick up some dry pants for me and then drove straight up to Papa and Nana's house. We got to play with Bobey, hang out in the basement with Papa and then sleep over at their house!
In the morning, we went to our annual Vandygriff Family Reunion. I'm not sure who everyone is, but here are some scenes from the day.

I spent most of my time running around. Papa found time to come play with me (of course).

Aunty Stephanie found time to snuggle and hug me :) Not that I had ANY objections!

And my good buddy Uncle Scott; Of COURSE he and I had some man to man time!
At the end of the day, I asked Mom "What was your favorite part?" She said seeing all the family again. Then she asked me and I said "My favorite part was playing with Shayla and Sueann." What a great time we had! Those girls played baseball and basketball with me, they hung out on the playground with me and they took great care of me all day.
Shayla is SO tall and so strong. She helped my slam dunk.
Okay not really, but close!
She sure is a lot of fun.
And pretty too!
Thanks Papa and Nana for an awesome sleepover and thanks to my super family for a fantastic day. Mom and I got back in the car and drove home right after the reunion. I was pretty tired, but it was all worth it.
Mom says the rest of the month will be about the same so I can't wait!

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