Saturday, July 1, 2017

Family Vacation 2017

Here we are on Vacation in Hilton Head! Today we hit the Mini Golf course. On our way there, Dad took a wrong turn and got chased down by a man mom called a "crack head." We all thought it was pretty funny because the man was Mom's size and he was yelling at the big guy!

Mini golf is interesting. If you just do what you're supposed to do, it's mind numbing. Thank goodness they put all kinds of water around to play in and cool things to whack your ball into.

Okay Mom. We know you were there...

B spent most of his time climbing obstacles and hitting mini golf home runs.

I spent most of my time fishing my ball out of the water.

Yes you CAN make mini golf violent. This was just before B decided we were too slow and played "through" two other families. Dad had to chase him down and drag him back to our team. Oh B...

Here we are back at the big house we rented for the week. Bet you're wondering who I'm shooting at. It's Gavin! We spent the whole week with our best buds - The Smith Family.

The thing about the Smiths is that we all have a best friend. The Marks are BFFs. The Moms are BFFs. Gavin and I are BFFs and B and Adi are BFFs.

They do not like to be told how cute they look together.

But honestly... 

I couldn't say who had more fun playing in the ocean - the Daddies or the kids.

We had a good set-up. The Dads would play catch and we would play between them so they could keep their eyes on us.

You know my little brother. When he has his mind set on something, there's no denying him. He was bound and determined to dig a massive hole.

Mom helped get him started and he and Adi worked their butts off on it. We came along once all the hard work was done.

And we caught a crab to live in it. We named it The Pit of Doom.

We sure did have a great time on the beach.

Vacations are even better when our friends are with us!

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