Saturday, February 18, 2017


After years and years of watching Coley from up above, it was finally my turn to run out into the spotlight and play some basketball!

As a massive bonus, Aiden and I got on the same team!

Mostly I just like to run around and look busy. Aiden is a little different. He wants the ball!

Do dee Doo... Hands up... Okay, good luck with that shot, bro. I'll just be over here.

Coach does like to make sure we all get a turn to touch the ball. Here's our big moment together. I'm proud to say we executed this bounce pass flawlessly.

What I AM good at is dribbling. I can dribble the heck out of that ball!

Excellent form. Excellent control.

Mom says I have to try at least for a little bit each game. Today, I had to try to take at least 2 shots. Here's #1.

Aaaand here's #2.

Happy now Ma?

Even though he's usually much busier than I, Aiden likes to check in with his Mommy throughout the game too. Hi Mom!

More dribbles.

And a bonus shot!

Come on ball!

Can I be done trying now Mom?

Uh...  sure... pass it over here... 

More stellar defense.

I prefer to just sort of stroll around during the game. I do love playing, but not the whole time! Geez.

Afterwards, we all get stars. We all lick the stars and stick them to our foreheads. Kinderball is great!

Then it's *SNACK TIME!* My favorite.

Yay rah, yep okay...  Where's the food?

I'm so glad you're on my team bud. What a fun season!

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