Saturday, February 25, 2017

Last Buckets

Basketball ended today with our last game. I don't get to see my Best Buddy Aiden much, so we're going to really miss hanging out.

Thanks for a great season bro!

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Hat That Was Actually A Last Straw

On Fridays we get to wear hats if we pay $.25. Coley's hat was a little too exciting and it actually turned into the straw that broke Mrs. Polster's back. We're all a little fuzzy on the details, but apparently it was extremely distracting for the entire 4th grade and ended up being forcefully removed and placed into isolation in Coley's backpack. What's so interesting about a hat anyway?!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sister Mom

You know, February can be a little dull and boring. I think our favorite girl knew we were getting a little blah so she came back! We got to keep her for 5 Whole Days! One of us didn't leave her side the entire time.
Mom calls Tania Lee her "Sister Wife" because she is soooo helpful and just does everything with Mom (and many things better than Mom). We call her our Sister Mom, because when she's around, she's 100% ours and we love her.

Tonight, I asked her to come to wrestling practice. Of course she came! She and B had a great time playing.

How many grown ups are lucky enough to have a friend like Tania Lee?
How many kids are lucky enough to have a Sister Mom?
We sure do love you TL!


In case you haven't seen him lately, my "little" brother is still a beast. He out eats me at every meal and is the biggest kid in his class by far. Heck, he's bigger than some 3rd graders!
Today he graduated from the pediatrician and joined Dad and I as patients of Dr. Walker.
B measured 4'1" (90th%ile) and weighed 51 lb 4 oz (75th %ile).
Mom says he's like a miniature teenager and she and Dad are saving less for retirement and putting more into the teenage groceries fund instead.

Skip Day

Mom and I have been trying to have our Skip Day for a long time! Between her work schedule and the weather not working out for a sledding day, it hasn't been great. She put her head together with Jax's Mom and we were able to do a skip day together though! Who cares where/what when your BFF is with you?!

We decided to head to Climb Time and Napolese, which were both new for Jax and his Mom and old for us. We had a blast!

Thanks for pulling it together Mama Hinkle and Mama Vandy!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

How Low Can You Go?

You didn't think the Momparazzi would leave Coley out did you? He chose to do wrestling AND basketball this winter. And yes, we were both #4. Mom did not find that amusing as it was next to impossible to tell who's jersey was who's.

His signature move is the low dribble. He likes to just go right under his opponents!

and he's still a mad man on defense.

My big brother has become quite the competitor.

Another shot of the famous 4 inch dribble.

Even though he's older and cooler, he still can't resist a little dancing on the line.

Another signature Coley move - making friends with everyone around him. He had a great group this year.

They were all BFFs by the end of the season.

And they finished with only 1 loss! Great job Jayhawks. Especially #4!


After years and years of watching Coley from up above, it was finally my turn to run out into the spotlight and play some basketball!

As a massive bonus, Aiden and I got on the same team!

Mostly I just like to run around and look busy. Aiden is a little different. He wants the ball!

Do dee Doo... Hands up... Okay, good luck with that shot, bro. I'll just be over here.

Coach does like to make sure we all get a turn to touch the ball. Here's our big moment together. I'm proud to say we executed this bounce pass flawlessly.

What I AM good at is dribbling. I can dribble the heck out of that ball!

Excellent form. Excellent control.

Mom says I have to try at least for a little bit each game. Today, I had to try to take at least 2 shots. Here's #1.

Aaaand here's #2.

Happy now Ma?

Even though he's usually much busier than I, Aiden likes to check in with his Mommy throughout the game too. Hi Mom!

More dribbles.

And a bonus shot!

Come on ball!

Can I be done trying now Mom?

Uh...  sure... pass it over here... 

More stellar defense.

I prefer to just sort of stroll around during the game. I do love playing, but not the whole time! Geez.

Afterwards, we all get stars. We all lick the stars and stick them to our foreheads. Kinderball is great!

Then it's *SNACK TIME!* My favorite.

Yay rah, yep okay...  Where's the food?

I'm so glad you're on my team bud. What a fun season!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Mom Skills

When I was little, I told Mom I knew she wasn't very old. She asked how I knew that, and I said "because you don't have any skills, Mom." She said "skills?!"  and I clarified for her, "yeah, you know like Grandma has cooking skills, and sewing skills and ....."

She's a few years older now, but the cooking skills have not come. Here are the GF Shamrock cookies she made for Bryce to take to his Spring Party.

Aaaaand here are the Shamrock cookies Jax's Mom made for our party. #skillz
I will say, when it comes to party planning, my mom has MAD skills! Since my fall party was extremely lame, I begged her to please step up. She decided to construct and run a Rube Goldberg challenge for my entire class! Mom is not known for moderation when it comes to party planning, so she had my best buds over for a trial run last week.

We loved it!

Of course, being the brilliant and creative boys that we are, we created a masterpiece.

Then we went outside to play with everybody's favorite spaz dog :) I can't tell if my friends love Rowan more, or if he loves them more, but he's always the center of the fun!

Today was the big day! Mom lugged in four boxes full of random things. We split into four teams and got to work building a Rube Goldberg device that would tip the Leprechaun's gold out of his basket.

Charlie's team was fast! Unfortunately their device worked every time the class wasn't watching and none of the times we gathered around to watch!

Jax's team worked very slowly. Eventually Mrs. Santelik just took over.

My team worked at a good pace AND made an awesome machine.

Poor Jax. He didn't give up though!

One of Charlie's many demos.

We kept adding on to our machine after each demo. We didn't even want to stop for snacks!

Obviously I had a fantastic team.

I mean... look what we built!

and of course, Falcon was able to get that gold!

Mrs. Hinkle's cookies were a huge hit!

Here's Brady's team. They did pretty well!

Thanks Mom, for the best party yet. Not every Mom has traditional skills and we're okay with that!