Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sanibel Heroes

We headed for the beach on our last full day of vacation. Sanibel Island was deemed the #1 spot in America for families so we had to check it out! It was pretty cold and not as nice as Ft. Myers beach, but we found a zillion sand dollars and had a great time too.

Mom took B and I out on the floatie for a ride after 3 dolphins came right up to the shore to give us a little show. We were kind of far out there when we saw something thin and black sticking up out of the water.
We were not certain it wasn't a shark so made a quick turn back to shore! We dropped B off but the thin black object was still there and Mom and I were still pretty curious so we decided to head back out.
We spent about an hour kicking against the waves to get close. We were kind of scared, I'm not going to lie! We decided it must be a guy (we named him Bob) snorkeling so just sort of hung out watching his black air pipe and this blonde hair floating around. Man though... Bob didn't ever come up for air at all! We thought he might be dead and we would be heroes if we figured that out. So we had to go in closer.... 
It should be noted at this point that other swimmers also came out and made comments about Bob but quickly turned back with plenty of apprehension. Not us though! We soldiered on. We got up really close to dead Bob and finally learned his true identity.

He was a broken down buoy. His entire top was missing and in it's place was a thick batch of seaweed that had been bleached to yellow by the sun. Of course, we renamed this bad buoy "Buoy Bob" and left satisfied that our mystery had been solved. We had to go back sort of quickly actually because as it turns out, Daddy had been trying to wave us in for some time. Our parking meter was about to expire! Sorry Dad. We were highly focused on mystery solving / crime fighting.

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