Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Is Coming!

It's Spring Break and everything is growing so it was only fitting that the latest box we wrenched out of Rowan's jaws of death contained a butterfly garden for us! There are 10 caterpillars in these little cups. Coley was away at a sleepover so I got to name them all. They are:
1. Fuzzy
2. Fuzzy Jr.
3. Wormy 2
4. Sleepy (we learned later that he was actually dead)
5. Wally
6. Squirmy
7. Fatty
8. Webby
9. Crawly
10. Fred

They are actually really cool to watch!

Daddy thinks they're creepy, but I think they're pretty cool.

I couldn't wait for Coley to get home to see them.

A few days later they had already grown a lot!

These guys double in size almost every day.

We think they're ready to make their crysalides soon.

Stay tuned for more pictures as these dudes turn into butterflies!

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