Saturday, March 19, 2016

But Of Course

Well Mom went to San Francisco this week and when she came home I had a surprise waiting for her. I woke up screaming in the middle of the night so she took me in to MedCheck in the morning and yup, broken elbow. All they gave me was this lame baby sling and instructions to find an Orthopedic Dr. so Mom's face was not all that different from mine after that visit.

Luckily we found an Ortho clinic not too far from home. We went there and got a cool splint and a REAL sling to tide me over until Tuesday.

Which is the day my swelling was down enough to put a cast on my arm. boy was Mom happy to see this day come. It wasn't easy keeping my from doing more damage when I was just in a splint!  Here's my big bro trying to trick the Dr. into thinking HE is the one who needs the cast.

He had us laughing so hard that people were coming to see what in the world was going on! Here he is in his "corner of sadness" because he's the one who broke my elbow in the first place with a piggy back gone very wrong.

I picked black when the time came to choose a cast color because it's just my style.

Mom stopped to get metallic markers and insisted on being the first person to sign.
The good thing about having a broken elbow is that people pay a LOT of attention to you. Okay not cool when it's strangers, but REALLY cool when it's this girl who came to visit.

I might have the teeniest tiniest crush on her.

So life in a cast isn't all that bad. At least we decided not to go South until May! I'm still able to do most rowdy things and even got in trouble for trying to climb up the swingset one handed.

Of course, my other arm is taking a bit of a beating because I'm B and getting hurt is just what I do!

Maybe I should've asked if there was a two for the price of one option on casts...

Aunty Charlotte put it best when she said "Oh but of course it's Bryce..."  Thanks for patching me up Dr. Woo. I have a feeling we're going to become really good friends, you and I.

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